A Dose of Hope
Our Creator has given us all divine purpose. Yet, things in our lives cause us sorrow, shame, and brokenness, which interfere with that purpose. This podcast intends to give you hope and healing by introducing you to Jesus, awakening you to your worth in Christ, and enabling you to live out your divine purpose. It's hard to put the pieces back together when you've been broken, but Jesus can and He will. My passion is declaring hope when life hurts. Let's talk about it!
A Dose of Hope
Forged in the Fires of Worship: Lessons I Learned as a Worship Leader | PT.2
This podcast is Part 2 of a testimony of sorts about a few lessons that were forged into my spirit by the Holy Spirit during my decades of worship leading. The story includes my years of insecurity in my calling and the burnout that resulted. Concluding in the powerful redemption and healing that came into my life because of it. This testimony declares the goodness of God and the power of His grace to restore a broken spirit.
(Episode Music by Lesfm from Pixabay)
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